
Offices, showroom, company headquarters
Call or write:
TRUSTAV s.r.o.
K Popelce 2399/4
150 00 Praha 5
IČO 25031716
DIČ CZ25031716
Jan Syrový
Sales Director
420 724 289 123
Visit our showroom - arrange the day and time with us in advance by phone or email.
TRUSTAV s.r.o.
Na Hrázi 124/21
405 02 Děčín
Administration and Billing
+420 602 450 445
Trustav s.r.o. is registered in the Commercial Register under file number C140864/MSPH.
Data box: 88w8kx9

Demand form

Leave us your contact details and we will get back to you. We will go through the entire request with you and tell you what is needed to determine an estimated price.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Window replacement - how is the installation done?
The whole process of replacing windows in one apartment unit usually takes 2 days. The maximum number of windows replaced within one day is 7. All work is done from the interior as standard.
Drilled or snap-in hinges?
We care about the customer first and foremost, therefore, also with regard to possible service, we see user advantages in drilled hinges, which we also choose when manufacturing our windows and doors.
How to care for wooden windows and doors?
We recommend that all customers use a maintenance kit for timber windows and doors. This kit contains two bottles, the first is a cleaning bottle and the second contains a liquid that will "fill" the micro-cracks created by the movement of the wood as the humidity changes. This will prevent unwanted water from entering these cracks, which is where the window finish can be torn when frost occurs. This maintenance is very easy to carry out e.g. during routine window cleaning twice a year.)
From what material are the windows and doors of Trustav made?
99% of the interior doors are made of pine and spruce wood, but of course other woods can be ordered.
What do we need to know for pricing?
Write to us with your enquiry. Please be sure to include: address, number, size, material, type of frame and opening, morphology and decoration, colour scheme, fittings, or glazing pattern. All these parameters will help us to price your request as accurately as possible.
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